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越南国家主席阮明哲一行参观越南胡志明市Van Duc寺


佛教在线海外讯 据《vovnews》报道,近日,越南国家主席阮明哲在越南佛教僧伽会会长Thich Chi Tinh法师的陪同下到越南胡志明市Van Duc寺参观,庆祝盂兰盆会以及越南国庆日。

据悉,此次到Van Duc寺参观是为在盂兰盆节这个孩子向父母表达敬意的日子里表达国家领导人的人道主义精神和对佛教尊敬的活动之一。

在敬香礼佛后,阮明哲就目前越南社会经济的发展问题向Thich Chi Tinh法师作了阐述,并代表党和政府祝愿Thich Chi Tinh法师健康长寿,以便可以继续为国家的发展做贡献。

Thich Chi Tinh法师向阮明哲表达了感谢并表示他相信越南党和政府将始终坚定立场,为实现人民更好的生活标准而努力。(编译:子规)

State President visits Van Duc pagoda

On September 2, State President Nguyen Minh Triet visited Van Duc pagoda in HCM City along with the Most Venerable Thich Chi Tinh, Chairman of the Vietnam Buddhist Shangha to celebrate the Vu Lan Festival and the country’s National Day.

The visit was just one of activities expressing the State leader’s humanity and respect for Buddhism during the Vu Lan Festival which falls on the seventh full moon of the lunar calendar and is a time for children to pay respect to their parents .

After offering incense at the ceremony, Mr Triet talked with the Most Venerable Thich Chi Tinh to brief him on the current socio-economic development situation in Vietnam.

On behalf of the Party and Government, the State leader wished Venerable leader good health and a long life so he can continue to contribute to the country’s development.

The religious head  extended his thanks to Mr Triet and said he believed that the Party and Government will always stand firm and bring about a better standards of living for the people.



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